Does anybody out there use Git for other work / projects beside writing code?
I use it to keep backups of prose text that I write (journals, stories, essays, etc, though not this blog).
There are projects out there that use Git for blogging, like How to Node - just fork the blog, commit your article, and send a pull request.
There's also Octopress - which combines Git with Ruby to make a blogging engine. Since runs on Sinatra, and I'm starting to use a lot of custom css and html in this blog, I'd probably be better off moving my blog off of Blogger and onto a self-hosted system like Octopress. (Then again, I've been on Blogger for almost 12 years, and the convenience is nice.)
Is anyone using Git for revisions with binaries? Keep a repository of psd's, pdf's or word doc's ? When I set up a repo for work projects I usually include an "assets" directory where I put things like wireframes, comps, and specs (pdf's and psd's mostly) and then commit them as revisions happen to the project docs, instead creating the anti-pattern of tracking revisions thru filenames - nothing drives me crazy like going into a project directory and seeing files with names like "Wireframes-0612-version2-final-final.pdf"
Anybody do any other crazy things? Commit and rollback your Redis cache? Track revisions to audio / video files you're editing? Leave a comment if you do...
Why not keep your resume on github? With different branches for different specializations (one to emphasize management or strategy, one to emphasize code, one to emphasize activist stuff over corporate stuff, or vice versa.) Kind of a radical experiment in self-disclosure since all of the tweaks and edit histories would be visible.